Tanzania Songwe Hezya
Songwe is located in the Southern Region of Tanzania. Although lesser known than coffee near Kilimanjaro coffee, the southern highlands of Songwe produce some fantastic coffee.
We're very excited to offer Songwe Hezya in medium roast. We feel roasting to a medium really brings out the complexity of the bean. Expected flavors of this fragrant coffee are dark chocolate, vanilla with hints of sweet plum.
Light - Roasted to our lightest level. Usually before first cracks end. Called a Half City Roast.
Medium/Light - Roasted to first crack. Called a City Roast.
Medium - Roasted after first cracks before well before second crack. Called a City+ Roast.
Medium/Dark - Roasted to the start of second cracks.
Dark - Roasted from the start of second cracks to 15 seconds into second cracks.
Very Dark - Roasted beyond 15 seconds into second cracks.